Specter: Book Review

I hear tales about people who have a stack of books they are working their way through. As soon as they are done with a book, they know exactly what they’ll be reading next.

I’m not like that.

I’m what you might call a “mood reader.”

Sometimes this can be a problem, because occasionally I have no idea what mood I’m in.

However, come October, there are two things I am ALWAYS in the mood for: going for a hike in a forest, and reading something spooky.

Not too spooky, mind. I’m not big into the horror genre, and I can’t even watch scary movies quite the same way I used to be able to back in college… but I do like those adventurous stories that give you a delicious little shiver up the spine. Those tales that are delightfully spooky, with a little bit of creepiness that is just right for cooler days and changing colors and the days growing shorter.

So when I finished my latest book club read, I knew exactly what I wanted to read next: Specter by Savannah Jezowski.

I’ve been meaning to read this for ages, but I knew it would be a perfect October read, and so I waited. And I’m so glad I did!

Specter is the second book in the Neverway Chronicles, the sequel to After, and linked to the story “Wither” in the Five Enchanted Roses anthology.

One of the things I love about Ms. Jezowski’s writing is how she manages to blend sweet and spooky. I honestly had to read Wither twice before I realized that “creepers” were her version of zombies. As someone who has never been much of a fan of zombies, it says a lot that I love this series.

The world building of this series is fantastic. I love how grounded it feels. The characters interact with their environment in real, believable, and familiar ways that transport me into the Neverway, or Pandorum, or the Haverly’s little village, and yet there is plenty that is fantastical. This book is a beautiful blend of darkness and fairy tale shot through with the light of a Christian message that is neither too obscure nor too obvious.

The plot, with its twists and turns kept me turning the pages breathlessly as the characters banded together to search for Sookie, Rosamund’s little sister who has gone missing, all while trying to battle or dodge the terrifying creature that is now stalking the Neverway for unknown reasons.

I polished this off in two sittings, I absolutely could not put it down.

But as always with Ms. Jezowski’s writing, it was the characters that gripped my heart.

Dear Rosamund, with her love of fairy tales and dreams of romance, her nose stuck in a book, her desire to be useful battling with her desire to be loved and her secret fears that she is neither was so disarming. I loved that she felt just like an ordinary, regular person. (And although I hope I would be more capable should I ever end up on a fantasy quest… I’m fairly certain I’d probably be a lot like Rosamund: determined to do my best, but not really very well-equipped for anything I might face). It is always refreshing to go on an adventure with someone who is not supremely qualified for the quest!

My beloved Victor, whom I fell in love with in After… struggling with the hurts he has endured, and tugging at my heartstrings whenever he remembered events from After (I love that book, y’all. If you haven’t read this series, this is the PERFECT time of year to grab up these books and settle in with them… I recommend a cozy blanket, a warm beverage, and a couple of uninterrupted hours – even if you have to hide somewhere to get them… this series is WORTH IT… also, I very selfishly want Savannah to write the next book soon, so if we flood her with sales of this series, that might help). How he is wrestling against his fears, his gifts, and his memories. His longing to just return to a time of innocence and simplicity resonated with me, and I just wanted to give him a hug.

Sweet, solid, dependable Diggory, a new face in this story… oh, my heart aches for him. (And I’m a little worried about him due to some of the events at the end of the book that are very concerning but I can’t talk about because SPOILERS!)

When we hit the climax in this book, I started reading out loud, screaming along with the characters as they tried to stop things from happening, as they stood in front of monsters in order to protect their friends… it’s not every book that compels me to read it out loud to myself… and it’s always a sign that I’m enjoying it thoroughly.

I absolutely loved this installment of this series, and now I’m at a loss again, because the next book isn’t out yet, and I’m still in the mood for something spooky (October isn’t over yet, after all).

Five unreserved dragon eggs!

Have you read any of the Neverway Chronicles? Or any of Savannah Jezowski’s books? Do you enjoy spooky stories? Are you the sort of person who works through a stack of books methodically or are you more of a mood reader like me?